The fight starts before the armor, before you pick up your stick, and before you step onto the field. It begins with an individual that is devoted to himself and understands the gravity of taking up arms against his fellow man.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

On 3:50 PM by Unknown     No comments
Been hitting the practices pretty hard for the past two weeks trying to catch my body up with the tactics that are floating around in my mind. Yesterday I geared up with a few friends in a backyard to work on a few things free from the scrutiny of our teachers, here I learned that I fight much better with my contact lenses in rather than one eye blurry via my lack of glasses. Not a huge surprise but good to know in the long run. I've discovered that my muscles have begun to protest the strenuous use they've been receiving, with out much warning I'm afraid, leaving me a generally irritable and sore lump of flesh. I can't complain though b/c I enjoy it. I enjoy the attention, the practice, and the frustration of getting better. That is why I fight.


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