The fight starts before the armor, before you pick up your stick, and before you step onto the field. It begins with an individual that is devoted to himself and understands the gravity of taking up arms against his fellow man.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

On 8:57 AM by Unknown     No comments
In leu of my trial gym membership I've ordered an FRS sample pack of a work out supplement. It came in two forms, a drink you mix with water and soft chews. I admit the only reason I actually ordered it was for the free water bottle and the 14 day trial pass to 24hr fitness but after a few days of working out I'm hooked. In college I made it a habit to work out at least three times a week, mostly to combat the winter slump, to offset the time spent sitting in study. Without the availability of a university gym and my induction into squiredom, practice became a place to hone combat skills not improve physical fitness. Under the tutelage of my knight and squire brothers I've begun a fitness plan to improve strength, power, finesse, and endurance. Through these things I will become better suited to learn and progress with my fighting career.

Ha! Was sneaky and waited out for a good membership deal at 24 Hour Fitness. I will become an added member onto my room mates account for $24.99 a month. He gets the extra points and free item, while I gain a cheap membership and 24 hour access to a nearby gym.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

On 7:06 PM by Unknown     No comments
Keeping in mind the level of fitness required to compete at an expert level I've begun spring training for the summer and fall fighting season. Upping cardio and introducing weight training to supplement weekly practices is the goal in mind. I'm using resistance bands to strengthen fast twitch muscles while using heavy weights to build muscle mass. Improved cardio will help with endurance on the field and in upcoming tournaments.

To focus on sword skills I throw 25 shots per six points on the body per stance to build muscle memory. Pel drills are few and far between for me as I do not have a pel but have started utilizing a few in the area open to me by some friends. I'm not going to promise myself I will improve attendance and such since I will inevitably find some reason not to go, legit or not.

Am taking time to plan out repairs and replacements of damaged and uncomfortable pieces of armor and obtain the items I want, not quick fixes. I'm not trusting my gear and it's getting in my head during fights.

My knight and I have started on another path of training, the non-physical. One night a week is devoted to discussing etiquette both on and off the field, sword skills and theory, as well as general banter to establish a more comfortable working relationship between the two of us. Of course on some mornings other members of the household will be included to bring in other opinions and to share ideas the two of us have discussed.