The fight starts before the armor, before you pick up your stick, and before you step onto the field. It begins with an individual that is devoted to himself and understands the gravity of taking up arms against his fellow man.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On 10:16 AM by Unknown     No comments
Was in a horrible mood yesterday not wanting to practice, still sulking over the muscle fatigue in my arm, and just over all angry at the world. Was yelled at by housemate that I always drag him out when he is being a whinney mess and ends up having a good time so I should get my ass in gear. So I dragged myself of the couch and into the car. Ended up having a better night than expected. Here's to motivational yelling, hurray.

Monday, January 18, 2010

On 8:00 PM by Unknown     No comments
Where has my motivation gone? With the upthrust of squiredom I expected my enthusiasm to just take off. This is not so. Lately I've been finding reasons to avoid practices, not fight well, and over all be generally inside of my head. I can attribute some of this to a healing arm injury and family stresses but not this over all dampening of spirits to a depressing level. I've gotten wrapped up in myself and need to knock it off so I can improve my standing in the pack.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

On 10:08 PM by Unknown     No comments
Oooff! Today I became the squire of one Jarl Ulfred and was witnessed by my fellows in arms into the household of a great paragon of An Tir! I'm filled with a nervous excitement and an oddly calm confidence for my future. I will be a knight and today was the public acceptance of my pledge to take steps in that direction.

P.S New half gauntlets are in order. My poor hand is lucky to not have been broken yet wearing the ill fitting protection I currently own.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

On 11:49 PM by Unknown     No comments
Brief note about Monday Practice. Need to continue cardio and weight training after the holiday season as well as yoga w/ stretching to improve flexibility. Christmas tum is slowing me down a bit. Took my time last night to focus on quality fights and head space. Fighting planned sets using current skills to the best of my ability. Actualized a few areas needing improvement such as fighting to the skill level of my opponent, improper sword blocks, and choppy flow. A senior squire had me point out the errors while watching other fights to better understand the reasons behind some of the actions I've imitating and how to survive in different sparring situations.

Revised Practice Schedule:

Mondays: Learning technique.
Tuesday and Wed:Theory, philosophy, fundamentals and light technique.
Thursdays: Competitive focus

At Home: *Flexibility, fitness, weight training
*Conditioning for strength and stamina
*Flexibility both mental and physical
*Fluid Movement