How long have you been fighting?
So far it has been about six years. I squired to Jarl Sir Ulfred Draumfjallr in 2010 after a year of training with him first. It was kind of a rough road to start out honestly. There is a phase when you first start out fighting where everyone tests you constantly to see how serious you are about it, and where your limitations are. If you can weather this phase and continue to be open to learn from everyone then you should be fine.
Also ask yourself: Why are you fighting? it is important.
Did you have any martial arts background beforehand?
I've trained in both Karate and Tae Kwon Do, am high level belted in both, and have successfully competed in tournaments.
How did you find all your armor?
Most of the armor I wear I've made for myself. The essential metal parts of my gear, like helmet and elbows, were either purchased or made for me by friends with metal shops. It has taken me quite some time to get a set together that looks good and protects well comfortably.
I came into the SCA with no experience in armor construction and not enough money to out right buy a set. So in the beginning, it was pieces of old armor from other people and anything else I could find at Goodwill, until I could manage something better. I'll have to post an armor progression set of pictures one of these days. I was less concerned when I started about my gear looking stylish and more about being able to get out on the field to start fighting. A soft kit hides a world of ugly plastic. :)
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