The fight starts before the armor, before you pick up your stick, and before you step onto the field. It begins with an individual that is devoted to himself and understands the gravity of taking up arms against his fellow man.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On 5:25 PM by Unknown in     No comments
I took a weekend to myself.  A real shocker let me tell you, but it served a true and ready purpose.  I simply took the time to think.

Becoming a squire is a step to becoming a knight. It signifies the choice to begin the journey to knighthood by swearing fealty to a knight who will teach you, train you, and guide you on and off of the field. When I wear my squires belt, it represents my desire to become a knight.  It does not only carry my honor but the honor of my knight, my squire brothers, my lineage, and my kingdom.  It is mine and I am theirs.

When I look at my knight, I succeed
When I look at my brothers, I pull them up beside me
When I look at my lineage, I stand beside them
When I look at my kingdom, I fight with a fierce pride

 A view of some of the questions I asked myself and discussed with my knight later in the week.

"Do I want this? Do I actually want to be knighted?"
 "Can I represent my kingdom, can I represent my royalty, can I represent my self and my peers with honor?"
"Would I want squires of my own some day?"
"Can I teach other fighters?"
"Besides prowess what else can I offer? Skills? Community? Household?"
"Am I a part of the community? how can I integrate more? What can I offer?"
"What does this belt, my squires belt, mean to me?  What will having a white belt mean to me?"
"Do I want the responsibilities knighthood comes with?"


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