The fight starts before the armor, before you pick up your stick, and before you step onto the field. It begins with an individual that is devoted to himself and understands the gravity of taking up arms against his fellow man.

Friday, November 20, 2009

On 12:24 AM by Unknown     No comments
All the hard work. Practices, pell nights, and personal home fitness are starting to pay off. People are starting to notice improvement in my sets and today tell me I was kinda scary to fight since I can stand toe to toe with some of the chiv in attendance. I like the way that sounds. I do try to fight them well and improve when I can. Some day, when I grow up I'll be a knight; but for now I take slight awe and fear. It's all about the word fame right? I've got a long way to go.

Also: I suck at teaching. Words escape me, geeky scientist trying to teach fighting doesn't always work out. At least I can show them the movements while someone else narrates.


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