The fight starts before the armor, before you pick up your stick, and before you step onto the field. It begins with an individual that is devoted to himself and understands the gravity of taking up arms against his fellow man.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

On 11:39 AM by Unknown     No comments

12th Night, for me, is the New Years of the SCA.  It is one of the two times a year we gather as a kingdom to celebrate the coronation of a new King and Queen. People travel for hours to renew their bonds with one another and set themselves to new physical and mental tasks for the reign. While I'm not one that revels rushing to attend court, I deeply enjoy the pomp and circumstance that accompanies this event. It inspires an air importance, authority, and pride towards the crown.
 This weekend I was awarded a Sable Gauntlet, by their Graces Styrkarr Jarlsskald and Dagrun Stjarna, which carries with it a Grant of Arms.  There were some lovely words spoken and I am very proud.

"The Sable Gauntlet is a kingdom level award offered to those especially deserving of honor for their excellence and chivalry in the pursuit and practice of armored combat." ---Read into the record, May Crown Curia Meeting (05/18/14)

The accompanying scroll awarded in court.

Sunday's practice was invigorating.  I chased some knights around for fights and received some solid tips for improvement.  Discussed them with my knight and we've tailored a new winter training plan to incorporate the critiques. Can't wait to get started.  Detailed posts to follow soon! 


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